In Abu Dhabi, taxi services will be required to register and abide by the rules

Mobile taxi services such as Uber and the like will have to register their applications in Abu Dhabi and comply with the new rules for working in the emirate.

Taxi service Uber and its regional competitor Careem suspended their work in the capital of the United Arab Emirates on August 27 after many of their drivers were detained for breaking the rules.

Since then, Careem has managed to return to functioning, and Uber is awaiting clarification on some issues.

Meanwhile, in Abu Dhabi, new rules should be introduced very soon, which will include a provision requiring registration applications at the Center for Transport Regulation and Car Rental (Transad) for taxi order applications, according to Center Director General Mohamed Darwish al-Qamzi .

Riding services are currently not regulated in the UAE, but the upcoming law will allow the market to be controlled.

Camsey said the tough rules that got in the way of companies such as Uber and Careem in Abu Dhabi are designed to limit abuses in the growing illegal market sector.

In accordance with the new rules, rider sharing applications will only need to work with private luxury rental companies and strictly follow their pricing policy. They must also send a list of drivers and cars to Transad.

Transad interacts with seven taxi services in which 7645 cars are registered.

“We are not against mobile services,” said Camsey, “This is the people’s choice. But we need to make sure cars are safe, drivers really exist, and customer safety comes first. ”

Uber, which launched the service in Abu Dhabi in 2013, said that some markets in the Middle East and North Africa region were the fastest growing, and therefore the company plans to invest $ 250 million in further expansion of its activities.

Watch the video: 5 violations other than speeding that Dubai Police radars catch (July 2024).