Full-size "strip" scanners will not be used at Dubai airports

"Dubai Airport Police have decided not to use full-size" undressing "scanners when inspecting passengers at both emirate’s international airports, as this goes against the principles of protecting people's privacy and is contrary to Islamic morality and ethics, as well as due to respect for privacy and confidentiality passengers, "said Brigadier General Ahmad Muhammad bin Thani, head of the general airport security department at the Dubai Police.

Such scanners will be replaced by other passenger screening systems that do not affect the privacy of travelers. Security measures at Dubai airports are in line with international standards, so no significant changes are expected in the near future.

Systems of full-size scanners are already quite actively used in the United States, especially after one of them, a Nigerian citizen, who tried to carry explosives in his underwear on board an airplane, was caught last year thanks to one of them.

Several countries around the world, including France, the UK, the Netherlands, Japan and South Korea, also began testing scanners at their airports.

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