Creative Service Approach Concept

STILL A FEW YEARS OLD BACK, I WOULD BE ABOUT ORIGIN OF THE NAME OF ONE OF THE LEADING REAL ESTATE COMPANIES IN DUBAI - CREATIVE CONCEPTS. But after meeting with Ana Nova, property consultants, to understand that the creative, or creative approach to the work of all members of this group, and exhibits, he not only in developing and implementing real estate projects, but also in the company's approach to its customers and to render SERVICES.

Ana, please tell us about what new types of services Creative Concepts is going to provide its customers, and why is there such a need for their provision right now?

In addition to all the real estate services that we have provided to our clients in the successful past and continue to provide today, we are starting to offer new types of services. I must say right away that all the details about our innovations can be found on the Creative Concepts website, both in English and in Russian. Why are we introducing new services now? We see that with such progress in Dubai, with its growth and development rates, more and more people are worried about legal and everyday issues related to their life in the UAE.

It's about legal support, I understand correctly?

Yes, and not only about her. We work with professional lawyers who will provide comprehensive support to all our clients in certain vital issues. For example, more and more people are moving to Dubai today for permanent residence. Moving usually involves a lot of formalities. The first and most important question that needs to be solved by a person who has bought real estate in the Emirates is the registration of a UAE resident investor visa for himself and his family members. If a person does not speak English, and for him this country is completely new, then our consultants will come to his aid, who will take upon themselves all the obligations of obtaining visas, medical insurance, and other documents. Naturally, for a fee, because everyone knows that this procedure takes a lot of time. And for many of our investors, time is expensive. That is, in fact, we offer the services of PRO (public relations officer who deals with visa and other issues in the emirate companies) and legal services in various government and other structures.

What else besides UAE resident visas?

We will also assist CIS citizens in obtaining local driver licenses. Indeed, even those who live in Dubai know that getting rights today is long, expensive and rather difficult. We can help, and the whole process will take no more than three weeks. In addition, we will help with the preparation of documents necessary for the admission of children to schools in Dubai, provide assistance in opening bank accounts in the UAE, submit documents for the provision of mortgage financing for the purchase of real estate, register property in the Land Department on behalf of the buyer, and so on. Often these are sore points for many realtors who do not have a large staff. Indeed, when such requests arise, a separate agent should be attached to each client, who would deal with the whole spectrum of such services. Today we can provide these services without problems. We have people who will "babysit" with literally every real estate buyer.

It turns out that every family of a Russian-speaking investor and buyer of real estate from Russia and the CIS acquires a personal consultant to help with all domestic issues?

Exactly. It should be noted that all the services we offer are provided by professional outsourcing companies that cooperate with us on the basis of special agreements. We are confident in their competence and professionalism. Everyone understands that it is simply unthinkable to keep a huge staff of employees within one company who are versed in various issues.

Therefore, when many real estate companies promise legal support and transaction support, they often resort to the help of professional law firms, since it is physically very difficult to do this on their own. We also use outsourcing, since all new services are outside the scope of our core business, but as practice shows, they are no less in demand than our main product is Emirate real estate.

We believe that everyone should thoroughly know their business, and therefore do not assume the responsibilities of others. We simply cooperate with specialists, directing our customers to them.

Do you already have practical experience of this kind of assistance to your clients or is it only in the near future?

Of course have. Many services are already provided by us. I will give one more example. Today, more and more residential properties are being commissioned, and many real estate buyers are unhappy with the quality of decoration of their apartments, plumbing, and so on. Someone does not like the layout, someone has the color of the walls. We offer such clients the services of a professional interior design company, with whom we also cooperate.

The main advantage is that we will help not only to transform new housing, but also to get all the relevant permits for redevelopment and repair work, because, as you know, in Dubai all real estate is commissioned with a full finish. And for all subsequent changes in planning, it is necessary to obtain permits in the mass of various state structures, and very serious ones, such as Jafza, Nakheel, Emaar and so on. We protect the investor from these worries, starting with the services of collecting and certifying the necessary documents and ending with a full package of repair and design work. Of course, our services are not free, but for many it is much easier and more convenient to pay for the activities of professionals than to upholster the thresholds of dozens of offices on your own.

And do you have a lot of applications for redevelopment of apartments?

Lots of. People get the keys to apartments and villas, for example, on the "Palm". This is considered an elite housing, and many owners want to change the tiles on the floor, repaint the color of the walls, put a jacuzzi or a large shower stall instead of a regular bathroom, and so on. These manipulations can entail the transfer of walls, and the replacement of pipes, and other works. They can’t be produced just like that. So people turn to specialists. In this case, we offer the services of professional interior designers who can not only select the desired color of walls, floors, decorate windows, but also receive all the relevant documents from the general developer for the repair of your new home.

Is it not possible to change the layout when purchasing an apartment under construction?

In some cases it is possible, but it all depends on the particular developer and on what stage of construction you are buying your home. If the developer allows the slice not to install any wall panels that are not supporting, then they will not be installed in your apartment. But all this is individual. We are talking about ready-made projects, which, according to local law, are required to be rented out already with decoration and even kitchen furniture and household appliances. In these cases, we offer services to improve the decoration of apartments, in accordance with your budget, ideas and wishes.

Do all consultants involved in your company speak Russian?

Without fail. And this is a strong link. Now it is very important to let our customers know that all the information they need to live in the UAE is provided in their native language. Very often, people who have purchased real estate and would like to live in the Emirates for more than three months a year are faced with the fact that they don’t understand much here because they do not know English. I would like to emphasize that all our consultants with whom we work speak not only Russian, but also speak English and Arabic.

What other questions do clients ask you?

More and more often we are asked to translate contracts with developers into Russian. In fact, I always advise you to seek the help of qualified lawyers and legal translators in Russia, since here the signing of all important legal documents takes place either in Arabic or English. In real estate, this is usually English. Translators of real estate contracts in other languages, as a rule, developers do not provide. But today we are talking about the fact that translation into Russian is possible on the local market through legal translation offices.

All of the above services are provided only to those who purchased property through Creative Concepts, or to everyone?

Anyone who has already acquired or intends to acquire property through Creative Concepts. These are additional services not directly related to our activities as a real estate company. It’s just that over the years of our work, we have more than once encountered the questions of our clients who needed help, and today we are ready to provide it. And if we summarize all of the above, then we recommend our clients professionals in various fields who are able to quickly and efficiently perform a particular job.

At the moment, many of the above services are already provided. In the future, a full list of services will appear on our website. Today, for example, we have signed an agreement with a famous tourist company in Dubai, which will conduct tours of real estate, and the inspection can be carried out using the waterway, land and even air transport (by helicopter). The tour will be attended by professional realtors and consultants who own all the information about Dubai real estate, new construction areas, and will be able to answer all questions customers are interested in.

In addition, it is planned to conduct inspection trips to Dubai for those who have already made their choice and definitely want to buy real estate in the UAE. Visas will be opened for them, hotel accommodation will be provided, and real estate sightseeing tours will be held. I think such trips will be in demand, as they will help to look around in the city and allow a little rest. Many businessmen, arriving in Dubai on business, do not know where to turn when they have some free time. The travel agency with whom we work will organize desert safari trips and other recreational excursions. And these are just some of the types of services that I can voice today. Thank you for the interview. It remains to wish you good luck, and your customers the level of service they deserve.

Watch the video: Sell Your Idea - How to present your IDEA to a company (July 2024).