The blue abyss ...

All living things on planet Earth appeared from the water. The ocean is the cradle of life, of all its diversity. a man nine months before the birth of the mother spends the womb in the aquatic environment. When he is born, his first cry is a cry of despair, because a person is deprived of the most comfortable and gentle hugs. At this moment, a person leaves the aquatic environment, and from that moment on, water is no longer home for him. The aquatic environment becomes a stranger, and the person in it becomes a stranger.

However, man always strove back to the sea. At least for a short date with that world in which a person can soar, like a bird over mountains that are millions of years old. All children are delighted, just seeing the sea. For the first time approaching the shore, children poke toward the narrow strip of water with their fingers, saying only one word - "sea". Thousands of families seek to go to the sea at least once a year, despite the fact that they have never seen him before. This is the eternal call of the sea. Water open spaces will always attract a person. Because the sea is the mother of our earthly life. Because the sea is a fabulous world, the most beautiful on our planet.

Warm on the surface, and in the depths cool, but not cold, the water envelops your body. You soar over cliffs dotted with corals in complete weightlessness, surrounded by unprecedented fish and underwater plants. Raising your head up, you see those amazing views - the sun's rays, refracting in the waves, form a light corona, as if above the surface of a diamond ant. A flock of small fish is spinning in the distance, interfering with all shades of silver, creating in the water such images that even artists cannot imagine. A huge, important tortoise swims past, and colorful coral fish flicker at your hands. Sounds are muffled, and you only hear your breath and heartbeat. The tremor of a boat sailing from above is felt with the whole body. And the feeling that this is a space flight does not leave you. You are like an astronaut who went into outer space. And you see, here she is - the cradle of life. You met again.

You, and the world of underwater miracles and the unknown. A world that gives a person a feeling of fabulous flight, and this world is already digging for you.

In 1944, a man obsessed with marine research - Jacques Yves Cousteau presented the world with a device that opened the way to the sea. He invented scuba gear. Undoubtedly, before him there were various devices for working underwater, but the profession of a diver was always one of the most difficult and dangerous, as well as the profession of an astronaut, and required serious training, both the diver himself and complex bulky equipment.

With the advent of scuba diving, the underwater world has become available to everyone. Anyone can learn scuba diving techniques in a short time and begin their acquaintance with the deep sea. Before the advent of scuba gear, at all times of the existence of mankind, the depths of the sea were fatal to homo sapiens.

The marine environment is not intended for our habitat there. And, despite the fact that depth beckons with its beauty, its weightlessness, you need to know and remember - depth does not forgive the attitude of respect towards it. And that is why, to meet with her, you must be carefully prepared.

Depth has many properties that you need to know and remember in order to secure the dive. The first and most obvious thing is that a person cannot breathe underwater on his own, without technical means. Therefore, the serviceability of these tools is a vital necessity for any diver.

The second, not obvious, and therefore rather insidious property, if you lose sight of it, is not the pressure of water at depth. In order to safely dive, you need to get a system of knowledge and skills - with whom, to what depth and for how long you can dive, how quickly you need to properly rise to the surface, and what air mixture to breathe. All this is a knowledge system that ensures our health and safety of life during dives.

And the third is the inhabitants of the deep sea. Be sure to familiarize yourself with the local marine life before diving, this will prevent you from being careless with those animals, fish or plants that are fraught with danger to health and life.

So! Have you never dived under water and are not familiar with how quickly you can learn this? You do not know where and who teaches diving skills? With whom and where can I dive in the United Arab Emirates? All of these questions are answered in this article.

The main thing is that you should know that modern diving equipment is a high-tech device that allows a person to be under water for a relatively long time without harming their health, subject to the rules and proper handling of these devices. Without basic knowledge and handling skills, even the most advanced equipment does not guarantee the diver complete safety.

If you decide to learn diving in the Emirates, it is best to go where there are instructors who speak Russian. The system of knowledge about diving that you get should be clear to you from "A" to "Z", because this knowledge is required to save your life. The Blue Planet Diving training center at the Ajman Kempinski Hotel (Emirate of Ajman) has an instructor Alla Druzhinina - probably the most famous diving instructor among our compatriots on the PADI system ... All my friends who received certificates of divers of various degrees went through the training course she has.

Even if you are just a tourist, you have enough time to go through the initial course of study and get a certificate that will allow you to dive not only in the Emirates, but also in other countries. Remember, without a certificate confirming that you have passed the training and received PADI certification or any other recognized worldwide, you will not be allowed to dive not only in the UAE, but also in other countries.

If you live in the United Arab Emirates, then you can take a training course at Alla and get certification for the most difficult dives. The center has all the necessary equipment for any diving and has information about all the interesting objects hiding in the depths of the Persian Gulf and the Indian Ocean. The main rules are never to dive alone! Never dive with untested equipment! And never go to the depths for which you have not been certified to dive! It is generally accepted that a depth of 10 meters is the safest for human health when scuba diving. To begin with, stick to this depth. And on it you will find a wonderful world.

So, you have already completed the initial training and certification, or you are already an experienced diver and ready to dive. With whom and where to go on an underwater trip?

To begin with, it is necessary to dispel the erroneous opinion of some experienced divers that the United Arab Emirates is not a diving country. This is mistake. In addition to the usual underwater objects of natural origin, interesting to visit, in the Emirates there are a great many sunken ships, each of which is a godsend for a diver, where you can feel like a real explorer of the depths.

Discover the Emirates, not only as a country of expensive hotels, desert travels and chic vacations, discover the Emirates as a country of a fabulous sea world. Come and you will always find reliable instructors, quality organized service and the best diving equipment.

For the seventh year now I have been using the services of the company Vladco Tours, which has organized a center for the provision of services to sea diving enthusiasts. They will put at your disposal a large comfortable yacht, equipped with everything necessary for relaxing on the water and autonomous travel across the Indian Ocean. The company will also provide you with everything you need for diving equipment. If you prefer to use only personal equipment, I can advise you the oldest diving equipment store Scuba Dubai in the Emirates. He has now moved from his old location at the Dubai World Trade Center to a new one - next to Ski Dubai, in the Mall of the Emirates. There you can choose the most modern equipment within any budget.

We invite everyone who is interested in the underwater world to the United Arab Emirates.

I also want to remind you, the underwater kingdom is a fragile world. Much more fragile than ours. This is here, on Earth, we can plant a new tree instead of a broken one, but the damaged coral can no longer be restored. Do not violate the natural order of nature, do not touch what can violate it!

Good luck to you!

Watch the video: Expand your horizons. Dive into the future. With Blue Abyss. (July 2024).