Sharjah to host sunstroke prevention campaign

In Sharjah, a medical campaign aimed at preventing heat strokes will be held.

In connection with the hot weather, a medical campaign will be held in Sharjah, in the framework of which measures to prevent heat stroke will be explained.

The action will be held under the slogan "Umbrella". This year the action was organized by the Department of Health and Tourism. The purpose of the action is to draw the attention of Sharjah residents to what needs to be done so as not to get a sunstroke.

The campaign will be held from August 1 to 30, active Internet users will be able to visit the online platform. As part of the action, a thousand umbrellas will be distributed to residents.

Iman Rashid Saif, director of the department, said that this year the choice fell on the topic of “preventing sunstroke” after conducting many studies and surveys in the emirate.

Parents also suggested focusing on methods of preventing sunstrokes, because this is especially true during the school holidays.

Mr. Saif added that an influx of tourists played a significant role in choosing this topic.

"Most of the guests visiting Sharjah are not used to this heat, so we must protect them and explain what to do in order not to get a sunstroke."

As part of the action, many educational events, games and competitions will be held for residents and visitors of the city, including in crowded places: in Sharjah National Park and Elyash Park.

All events will be free, they will inform citizens about how to behave during peak temperatures.

Watch the video: Who is going to get 'sun'stroke? Super Prime Time 26-07-2017. Part 3 (May 2024).