In the UAE, air personnel will be tested for drugs

In the United Arab Emirates, aviation workers will be tested for drug and alcohol use.

UAE aviation officials approve drug and alcohol screening of air personnel.

The Civil Aviation Administration (GCAA) authorized the National Expert Laboratory (NRL) to test pilots, crew, ground personnel, air traffic controllers, etc. to ensure absolute safety in the aviation industry.

Now, by law, aviation workers are required to take tests for alcohol and drugs.

Mr. Abdul Hamid Obeysi, the head of the National Expert Laboratory, said that the laboratory-tested methods for detecting alcohol and narcotic substances in the human body will "improve the UAE aviation industry."

“We are delighted to have the privilege of directly serving such an important industry. We have no doubt that our world-class testing standards will help the Civil Aviation Authority ensure maximum flight safety.”

"Our staff is well trained, we intend to cooperate with aviation companies, testing their employees for their ability to perform critical functions from a security point of view," Mr. Obacy said.

It is worth noting that aviation is one of the key sectors of the UAE economy, contributing to the diversification of the national economy and social development.

The industry employs 750 thousand people, it is expected that by 2020 it will bring 200 billion dirhams to the UAE economy.

Watch the video: Airport police undergoes surprise drug test (May 2024).