UAE endorsed new sponsorship rules for expats

The UAE government has approved a new provision on family sponsorship for expats.

Dubai, UAE. The Cabinet of Ministers of the United Arab Emirates approved new provisions on sponsorship of family members of foreign workers located in the country.

According to the new rules, the key requirement for this type of sponsorship (as the right to grant a resident visa is called in the United Arab Emirates) will now be the “income” of the breadwinner, while earlier this indicator was “profession”.

"The decision is aimed at strengthening stability in the families of foreign workers and social cohesion, as well as attracting highly qualified personnel to the country and maintaining a healthy balance between personal and professional life," the statement said.

The government, by its decision, instructs all state organizations to conduct an assessment and, if necessary, improve the quality of services provided to residents, including education and healthcare, and attract family members to the labor market, instead of hiring new workers from abroad.

The cabinet noted that the decision will further increase the level of stability in families by simplifying the procedure for providing sponsorship to family members in accordance with safety rules, economic and social laws, in order to increase the level of happiness in families.

Watch the video: Expats Would Be Benefitted from UAEs New Family Sponsorship Policy (May 2024).