Smart system will reduce waiting time at Dubai airport for passengers

The new system at Dubai Airport will reduce the waiting time for travelers.

The operator of Dubai International Airport has launched a high-tech system that monitors the airport's operation in real time to ensure smooth operation at the busiest airport in the world.

The system is called RealtimeDXB and is a specialized cloud platform that collects data generated by more than 50 nodes, including airport services and numerous partners. RealtimeDXB not only monitors the situation, but also predicts various scenarios.

At the first stage, the system will focus on monitoring the movement of aircraft, the state of their stops, the formation of warnings and analysis of effectiveness.

The use of real-time information and smart check-in for flights are already helping to improve the quality of customer service at the airport. In the first quarter of 2019, the airport reduced customer waiting times by 30% compared to the same period in 2018.

Watch the video: Queue Management in Airport: How to improve passenger experience by reducing wait times. (May 2024).