EXPO 2015 in numbers

  • Duration of the exhibition: 6 months, from May 1 to October 31, 2015
  • Number of participating countries: 148 (95% of the world's population)

  • Total exhibition area: 1.1 million m2

  • Number of visitors: approximately 75,000 per day, 70% of which are Italians

  • The cost of organizing the exhibition: 1.3 billion euros of state investments from the host country, 400 million from private enterprises, 1 billion from participating countries. It does not take into account the amounts invested by the Italian government to create and improve the infrastructure of Milan, the construction of new hotels and the general "guidance of the marathon" in the city

  • Admission: from 5 euros (evening ticket after 19.00) to 32 euros (for the whole day)


  • At the exhibition area of ​​1.1 million m2 12,000 trees were planted

  • 400 tons of food products are delivered to the exhibition daily. Unused products during the day are donated to local charities.

  • The most successful World Exhibition in the history of the event is considered EXPO 2010 in Shanghai (73 million visitors). In second place is Osaka 1970 with 64 million visitors.

  • Hanover 2000 is considered an absolute failure - a total of 18 million visitors and 1.2 billion euro losses

Watch the video: The Numbers of the Coffee Cluster @ Expo 2015 Milano (July 2024).