Emirate created a site on the rules of conduct in the country

Mohammed Al Qubeisi, a resident of the United Arab Emirates, decided to explain the rules of conduct in the country to foreigners, for which he developed a website on local etiquette (www. Beforeyougotouae.com). According to him, he was shocked when he saw a kissing European couple in one of the shopping centers. “When I made a remark to them, I discovered that they were unfamiliar with the rules of conduct in the country. So, I decided to eliminate this gap and created a website where the etiquette rules are reported in an accessible form,” says Al Qubaisi.

He also noted that during the development of the resource he encountered many sources whose information is not reliable or untrue. According to him, while living abroad, he also repeatedly faced prejudices regarding Arab and Islamic culture.

“So, some perceive the azan, or the call to prayer, as an air alert, especially at dawn. And many women do not know what swimwear is acceptable to wear in a Muslim country,” the emirate explained.

Muhammad Al Qubeisi said that he outlined all the information in a positive way, so that tourists would not think that life in the UAE is complicated and the rules of behavior are too conservative. In the future, the site will be provided with original illustrations.

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