Dubai Museum of the Future: what to expect from 2035?

Only those lucky ones who managed to book tickets will be able to look at the technologies of 2035

Do you want to upload the nightmare of last night to the network or instantly change the level of your hormones so as not to feel overwhelmed, and eat any food without harm to your health? An exhibition at the Museum of the Future in Dubai will allow us a glimpse into 2035.

Only those lucky ones who managed to book tickets will be able to look at the technologies of 2035.

In connection with the World Government Summit, which began work in the UAE on February 8, the Museum of the Future decided to open its doors for a few days only.
Entrance to the exhibition is free, but prior registration is required on the museum website. To the great disappointment of the public, there are no tickets anymore, and you will have to wait for the full opening of the museum, which is scheduled for December 2, 2018 and dedicated to the anniversary of independence from the UK.

The organizers of the Museum of the Future say that the exposition is dedicated to developments in the field of robotics and their impact on human life.

As the online edition of reports, the museum offers a unique interactive experience for visitors, allowing you to explore the future in the field of artificial intelligence and human-robot interaction.

Some of the exhibits promise to help increase the intellectual and physical abilities of a person.

Guests can use special displays showing existing advanced technologies, as well as get acquainted with theoretical devices that would allow us to increase our mental, emotional and physical abilities.

Having analyzed our data, some of these unique devices will be able to suggest in which area we will be able to build the most successful career.

Of course, the time of the preliminary opening of the exhibition was not chosen by chance. According to Dr. Noah Rafford, one of the directors at the Museum of the Future, thanks to the meeting of world governments currently taking place in the UAE, country leaders can notice the exhibition in Abu Dhabi and think about the development of the latest technologies, and possibly cooperation.

Some of the visitors to the Museum of the Future have already shared their impressions with reporters.

24-year-old Jules A. paid special attention to the concept of certain products implanted in the brain. For example, one of them will be able to establish a connection between the minds of several people, and the other will help us better interpret the mood of others. All of these things will probably help greatly improve our communication.

35-year-old Mukesh P. from India said that he really wants to test the operation of AutoLingua - another implant in the brain, which should, according to the developers, provide instant translation of sounding speech.

“This will help erase the barriers. I would like to go to another country, use this device and understand what people are talking about, ”he said.

Some of the visitors see in the exhibits a potential threat, for example, for children

But not all the innovations of the future received a positive assessment from visitors. So, 42-year-old Michaela Kaiser from Germany, who came to the exhibition during her family trip to the UAE, said that some of the ideas seemed dangerous to her.

“I do not suppose, and I would not want everyone to be able to read my emotions or see my dreams,” she said. “I think these things should remain personal.”

Another visitor to the exhibition said that he does not support the development of physical improvements for the body, such as bionic knees, which would allow us to jump to a height of 5 meters, work at superhuman speed and lift objects that are twice the weight of our body.

Although Kaiser sees the benefits of developing to improve the physical and mental state of people, she talks about the need for restrictions on the use of certain devices by children.

“I really love my children, so I would not want these ideas to be tested on them,” she said.

Source: BBC

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